A scurvy-inducing new chapter in the legendary Monkey Island adventure series unfolds in rollicking 3D with Escape from Monkey Island. Escape from Monkey Island finds series hero, perennial pirate-wannabe Guybrush Threepwood, returning to face sociopathic parrots, freakishly deformed buccaneers, and an insult flinging original villain with a sinister agenda. Escape from Monkey Island continues in the hilarious tradition of its critically hailed and award-winning predecessors, The Secret of Monkey Island, Monkey Island 2: Le Chuck?s Revenge, and The Curse of Monkey Island. Escape features an original cinematic story full of drama, intrigue and of course, side-splitting humor. The game is highlighted by hundreds of challenging puzzles, set amidst dozens of rich and brilliantly rendered backgrounds.
Escape from Monkey Island has taken the big step into 3D, leaving behind the pre-rendered backgrounds and sprite animation for slick 3D models. I'm happy to report that it made the transition wonderfully. Great effort has been put into keeping the same look and feel of the earlier games, so everything and everybody will be immediately recognizable. The biggest improvement is the animation. Every character is wonderfully animated and comes across as much more life-like than the earlier games. The colours are lush and the locales are full of beautiful detail.