GameOver - 1999 E3 Coverage

Unreal Tournament Showcased

Date: May 13th

Epic Games and GT Interactive are demonstrating Unreal Tournament, and new details are emerging about the game's features. In the solo experience, the player guides his team bots against advanced computer-controlled bots. This is a fight to the death in over 35 arenas and includes graphically charged locales such as a high-speed train, a mountain top castle and an ancient alien galleon. All new multiplayer capabilities include:

  • Capture the Flag, in which players are divided into two teams, each with a flag to defend. Points are scored when a team member captures the opposing team's flag without losing his own and returns to home base safely.

  • Assault, in which players are divided into Defenders and Attackers. Under the constraints of a time limit, Attackers must invade the enemy base and destroy one or more objectives. Objectives can range from escaping a dungeon prison to destroying computer terminals or hijacking a train. The game ends either when time runs out or the last objective is destroyed. At this point, the map is restarted and the two teams switch positions.

  • Domination, in which players are divided into two or more teams. Each team scores points for maintaining control of locations called Control Points. A player controls a specific point by remaining on it for four seconds if it was previously unoccupied or eight seconds if it was previously controlled by another team.

  • Tournament Mode, which, when enabled, means all players must be logged in and registered before the match will commence. Once all players have registered, a timer countdowns the start. However, the countdown can be paused by anyone not ready to start and will remain paused until he or she registers again.

  • For advanced users who want to run their own servers, several game options can now be set from the command line, including FragLimit, TimeLimit, MaxPlayers, GameSpeed and CoopWeaponMode.

  • Novice Mode, which is an option for bot matches whereby bots do reduced damage and move more slowly. This is great for new players who want an enjoyable yet non-threatening experience.

  • Hardcore Mode, in which weapons do more damage and the game plays faster for a more intense experience.

  • Placed throughout various arenas and intended for people who would simply want to watch and not participate in a game are Spectator Cams. Spectators can cycle through camera views as well as player views.

  • JumpMatch, which, when enabled, allows all players to jump twice as high.

    There are a number of new weapons in the game. First up is the Translocator, a portable teleporter that is not only a weapon but also a defensive device and a means of travel. It is comprised of a Source Module and a Destination Module. Players throw the Destination Module anywhere within a level and when the Source Module is activated, will instantly teleport them to the site of the Destination Module. As a weapon, if an opponent happens to catch the thrown Destination Module, the user can telefrag his enemy by activating the Source Module Should a player stumble upon an opponent's Destination Module, they can either fire at it and send it to an inopportune spot such as lava, or sabotaged it so that when the user teleports, they will explode. Then there is the Redeemer -- a rocket powered nuke. When the warhead impacts a solid surface, it explodes and sends out a pulverizing shock wave of mammoth proportions, instantly vaporizing anyone within its colossal radius. Via its alternate mode of firing, players can actually control the rocket like a smart bomb and hone in on opponents. The Pulse Blaster sends rotating barrels fire energy bolts at an incredibly high rate of fire and instantly melts opponents, and the IMPACT Hammer is a hydraulic, steam powered mashing device used to pound enemies into dust.

    The improved bot AI is also on display. The bots can work elevators, swim, trigger doors and wade through slime or lava with the necessary items like a toxin or asbestos suit. They can also handle all the weapons and pick-ups and have improved their ability to throw projectiles such as grenades or bio-gel. Bots know how to camp and even know where the best camping spots are. They will hide out in sniper areas and use these areas to their advantage when fighting. Bots understand how to play all of the new game types and are able to coordinate as a team. They also have more configurable attributes, including accuracy, combat style, camping rate and favorite weapon. Players can also configure a bot opponent to practice against and give bots orders such as "Defend the base" or "Cover me." In bot-only teams, they can give orders to each other. The game is slated to ship this summer.

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