I can still remember playing Return Fire
on my friends 3DO, the game was one of the most
original idealistic games. Now the sequel can't
even live up to my expectations of the original.
This game was definitely the worst use of my 3dFx
card ever. Glide is one of my favorite APIs utilized in games today, but unfortunately none of its outstanding features were present.
As I attempted to play split screen
multiplayer right before I spent five minutes trying
to figure out how to go to the next level after
capturing the flag, I knew that the games controls
were not the only fault in it's creation. Along with
poor controls, old school [looking] graphics were a
few other things wrong. My biggest pet-peeve in a
game is when you die. You can't start as your next
character, with the same life or whatever straight
away. You have to watch some lame ass movie or
some crappy animations. The 3d skull was about
the worst animation I have ever witnessed, I was
left in shock as my tank burned on the asphalt.
Without the option of changing controls,
using any controller type other than the keyboard
was made impossible. I tried playing with the MS
Sidewinder Gamepad, Nascar force feedback
steering wheel, and with the Gravis Gamepad.
Neither controllers even gave me a decent chance
at the game, this was one of the greatest downfalls
I experienced.
Sure this game is going in the right
direction with huge room for promotions medals
and other spoils of war, but no matter how hard I
try I can't imagine how long it would take before
you could actually get even half of them. I usually
like playing games with a military chain of
command, but this was an exception. Although
this could apply to any game with a chain of
command I pose a quick question, what the hell is
the "General Of the Army" or a Colonel doing
driving around in a tank? They should be at their
desk covering up conspiracies and so forth.
With only a couple unoriginal game
types to play multiplayer, it was not even remotely
fun nor was it interesting in any way. For some
reason I'm just getting tired of capture the flag and
"kill everything that moves" variants, I just hope
the next strategy/action game is actually original.
The screeching of tires and lame
explosions are the extent of the "Intense Sounds
and Music". I just can't stand it when a game's
feature list lets me down. The lack of full-fledged
surround sound and lack of speech made this
game not fun to listen to ,and I was forced to play
an mp3 in the background to try and make up for
The artificial intelligence of this game is
atrocious. The enemy tanks will actually drive off
into the ocean if you fire some flanking shots at
them. They don't cover their base, they don't
attack you base, and the don't even come looking
to attack you! They just drive around until they
see one of your vehicles then start firing.
I have to admit that the amount of
multiplayer options and configurations are nice,
but the programmers forgot to include settings like
mouse sensitivity and key-map configuration which
makes the game as un-customizable as the
console version. And again the multiplayer is not
bad playing with 4 people on a LAN, it was fun but
the game got as old and repetitive as the original
did in about the same amount of time. Every single
multiplayer format I can think of is included even
good over serial and split screen. The almost zero
lag game gave me a chill, but the fact that it's not
exactly the most complex game in the world, I
partially expected that there wouldn't be much lag.
I have a few ideas for a couple of things
could and should be included into this game. A
really cool thing would be to be able to design your
own levels, this would allow you to create levels
that you and your friends could navigate around
easily and also allow you to use all the cool
vehicles like the hovercraft device. Also real time
speech exchange is a must in a game where you
play one on one most of the time. If it is not
included the game can get incredibly annoying and
extremely repetitive.
Though overall the graphics are three or
four-year-old technology, the models and textures
on the actual vehicles are pretty amazing. Paired
up with the loading sequence when your vehicle
leaves the base, these are the only two graphical
elements that I felt we even meet the standard of
today's gaming. With most games using glide to
their full advantage (QUAKE2 in particular) this is
at the lower end of the possible graphic
I'm pretty sure that even if you get RF2
and like it you, will drop it by the end of the week
for another strategy/action game with a lot more
intense gameplay. Sure this game is fun, but fun
isn't the entire measure of a game it has to live up
to a lot more or almost every game on the planet
would receive a 91% for being fun.
In short if you loved the original get this
and be disappointed, if you hated the original get it
and mock how bad its Sequel is. If you never
played the original crawl out of the rock you were
hiding under and I would not suggest grabbing this
baby for gaming content only for sentimental
reasons. As with most game sequels, the ideas
and fun are now either too played out or now just
unoriginal, therefore the second game is either not
as fun or not fun at all.
Graphics: 13/20
Sound: 8/15
Gameplay: 19/30
Fun Factor: 14/20
Multiplayer: 2/5
Overall Impression: 6/10