By: Cyrus
Aliens attacking! We must fight back. The human race must
Recognize that plot from anywhere? It is perhaps
the most overused plot in the history of video games, movies
and books. At least twenty titles are released every year with
this plot and most of those titles are crap. Sure, there are the
exceptions like Quake, Doom, X-Com and several others. It
takes a good game to stand out from the rest and in this
reviewers opinion, Enemy Infestation from Clockwork/Ripcord
games is a title worth picking up. This game is an all-around
package: Good plot, good graphics, good sound, fun
multiplayer and a good interface. None of these categories
stand out as exceptional but they are all above-average. This
makes for a great combination of graphics and gameplay and
a game worth playing.
Enemy Infestation is basically a real time strategy
version of X-Com. The plot is as follows: Aliens have invaded
a remote Earth colony and the humans are struggling to fight
back. Your mission is to gather information about the aliens,
develop weapons that will combat them and fight back the
invasion. The game handles all the developing and such but
you still must collect tissue samples to gain the necessary
knowledge about the aliens. All of this collecting, fighting and
researching sounds like it would be complicated but it isn't.
The game presents it in a straight forward manner and the
interface is excellent for this game. Obviously the designers
took a tip from X-Com's excellent interface.
Graphics 18/25:
Graphics in Enemy Infestation are excellent. The
backgrounds have been hand-painted in the Ripcord tradition.
They provide a great backdrop for the game. Every now and
then I would pan around the screen and see a power plant or
other large object. My mouth would immediately turn into a
smile and the only word from my mouth was "Cool." The
people that you control look life-like but are very small. That is
my only complaint about this game's graphics. The camera
view is too far away. It makes objects very small and
sometimes I found it difficult to click on the object that I wished
to click on. Every soldier has a facial picture and their own
personality which really adds to the game. Also every main
object has its own info-screen which describes the objects
abilities and use. I found that very useful when I didn't exactly
know what the effects of the weapon I was using were. The
aliens are very standard aliens, they are hunched over and
look like gargoyles. Nothing very special. All of the intro
screens are crisp and very good looking. Everything also
loaded and scrolled quickly. The scrolling was smooth with
very little, if not unnoticeable skip. Overall a good job by
Sound 16/20:
Good sound. The sound was clear, and made the
mood. There were not many environmental sounds to distract
me and the weapon sounds were very good. Speech was used
often throughout the game and it was very clear. Each
character had their own voice and their personality was well
conveyed through the speech samples. My only complaint
about the speech was that when describing your mission it
often sounded robotic and slow. I didn't really mind because I
would much rather read my assignment then hear it. A couple
of the sounds became a little bit repetitive but it was not
prevalent enough to make it overly annoying. The music was
also very good but it suffered from being a little bit too fast
paced for the game. The music gave me a large sense of
urgency that wasn't really necessary. I would have preferred
some less fast-paced, more creepy music. Another neat
feature would have been A3d or Soundblaster Live! support.
Gameplay 19/25:
The interface was good, the plot was good, the
graphics were smooth which infers the obvious: the gameplay
was good. The game has an entire training episode which
teaches you the various abilities of each character and how the
interface works. I found that extremely helpful and allowed
me to dive into the game quite quickly. The game also had
several new ideas to it. When you first discover a weapon you
do not know its effects on the aliens or its damage level. After
you use it, the purpose of the weapon becomes clear.
Imagine my frustration when I discovered a new weapon only
to find that it caused the enemy to multiply. Another neat thing
was that the aliens start off as pods which quickly turn into
small aliens which then turn into larger aliens. This gave me a
sense of kill quickly or be overwhelmed and it made me think
that much quicker.
Multiplayer 3/5:
Multiplayer is supported through IPX or TCP/IP. It is
fun but not as fun as many other real-time-strategy games. I
found it to be the weakest part of the game.
Fun Factor 11/15:
I normally hate Real-Time-Strategy games but I
enjoyed this one but wish that the game wouldn't rush me as
much as it did. I spent about three hours playing this game
and loved discovering new items in each level as well as new
abilities with my characters. Overall a very fun game.
Overall Impression 8/10:
I liked this game a lot and give much credit to
Clockwork/Ripcord games. They put together a solid package
and I highly recommend picking this one up.