By: Blade
Bio Freaks is a multi-level 3D fighter game set in America's
future. It is a future unimaginable to us today. Instead of
armies protecting our country, there are Biological Flying
Robotic Enhanced Armored Killing Synthoids (Bio F.R.E.A.K.S.)
which settle territorial disputes. Bio Freaks is unlike anything
out there. The character's unique fighting abilities and the fact
that combat can occur at multiple level arenas are factors
which makes this game sound very intriguing.
Bio Freaks is one of the first 3D fighting games in a
3D world, and throughout the game the graphics seem up to
par. The character detail is extremely well done in the game.
All the Freaks seem to look fairly original, but some not as well
done as others. A clown with a big hammer? Or a big flying
machine? Come on! The game seems to be powered by the
same, if not similar, graphics engine as Mortal Kombat 4 for the
PC. That is, without all the graphic pop-ups that plagued Mortal
Kombat 4. The character animations run smoothly and look
very realistic. The arenas look plain, dark, and very gloomy.
The only thing 3D about the arenas is the ability to side step
and jet to new heights to fight on. The blood effects are
nothing more than normal. The ability to dismember your
opponent in the middle of a round was a nice addition though.
There are no signs of any lighting affects what so ever in the
game. It supports 3DFX, but hardly utilizes any of its power.
The sound effects in fighting games always seem to be missing
something. Bio Freaks comes with the usual grunting and
clanging of metal effects as most fighting games do. Some of
the characters have voices or say a phrase or two during their
entry into the arena. The quality is something you would
expect from a cheap shareware game. It's so unclear and full
of static. The music is totally uninspiring and annoying at that.
The sounds FX also get tiresome and irritating very quickly.
The emphasis in Bio Freaks obviously was on gameplay and
There are a total of eight freaks for you to control in Bio
Freaks, and one bad ass end guy. They all come with some
kind of hellish weapon attached to their body also. The
characters seemed equally balanced, but it would have been
nice to have more of a selection. Not to mention some secret
moves or characters that would be unlocked after you beat it.
The fighting style in Bio Freaks is no different than any other
fighting game out there. It comes with the usual side step,
jump, and projectile fighting. Bio Freaks combo system is a
joke. Unlike most recent fighters, this game depends on the
special attacks each character comes equipped with, sort of
like the original Mortal Kombat. The flying in the game
sometimes gets annoying and hard to control. Bio Freaks does
bring one new thing to the fighting genre though, that is a first
person view. You can fight from an eye view during a round. I
found this completely unbearable and next too impossible to
use. The controls could also been a little tighter. It comes with
the usual modes of play such as practice, arcade, VS, and
survival. The boss is also hard as hell, which is nice for a
change. It will definitely take you awhile to take that bad boy
Fun Factor:
Even though the game doesn't offer many innovations to the
table, it is still fun to play. You and your buddies can have
hours of fun dismembering each other, or throwing knives at
one another.(They stay in you until the end of the round.)
Besides that, the game doesn't have much to offer.
Overall Impression:
With games like Tekken 3 and Mortal Kombat out there, Bio
Freaks doesn't stand a chance. It isn't that much fun to play,
and you'll catch yourself loading up an older fighting game on
your drive rather than this one. I think you'll find you'll get
bored with it very quickly.
Graphics: 18/25
Sound: 9/15
GamePlay: 18/30
Fun Factor: 13/20
Overall Impression: 6/10