By: Pseudo Nim
It?s curious to think about how often we see genuinely new,
interesting things in the development of PC games these days.
How many cliché titles there are that just redo that which has been
done a few dozen (at best) times before, while adding absolutely
nothing new to the genre. And then some geniuses come about
and come up with something incredible ? which, then, just gets
duplicated over and over. As it was found in research surveys, the
cost to duplicate something is 0.6 times the cost of innovating that
same "something" ? thus, it?s much more economically viable to
replicate, rather than innovate. This seems to hold true for
computer games ? just look at the likes of (just about all)
first-person shooters, real-time strategy games, hunting games
(though the original idea here was terrible to start with) and many
other saturated genres, such as the third-person action genre,
which was invented by the folks at Core with Tomb Raider, and
was immediately saturated by themselves, "nuked" as the
marketing term goes.
On the other hand, there are still some creative souls out there that
innovate, instead of duplicating; one of those teams is Quantic
Dream, the makers of Omikron: The Nomad Soul.
What is this game like? It?s very hard to say. On the one hand, it
has a Tomb Raider perspective and a similar system of control. On
the other hand, the camera view is never nearly as annoying as in
TR, and always faces the right way ? nothing like Fade to Black?s
camera, either, which always seemed to point in the direction
opposite in which the character was facing. It also has a
resemblance to traditional adventure games, where you have to
solve quests and puzzles in the interest of advancing the storyline.
No puzzles have the difficulty of Grim Fandango?s, though (or
Gabriel Knight?s). As well, contrary to Tomb Raider, you won?t only
have to fight your enemies with a gun in your hand ? you?ll
encounter some Tekken-style hand-to-hand action, as well. All in
due course, though; the story first.
You start off as Kay?l, who was sent into your (the player?s
dimension) to ask for your help to solve the problems the nation of
Omikron is having, and your soul is transferred into the body of
Kay?l, an Omikron police officer. As you enter the world, you are
attacked by a demon ? which beats you and prepares to drain the
life force out of you, just as ? luckily for you ? a Mechaguard
passes by and scares off the demon. You wander off in search of
your apartment, wondering just exactly what happened. You pass
through a narrow alley, walk out onto the street and immediately
freeze. This, both in real life, and on the screen, especially
depending on the video card you have. In both cases, you will
probably stop and stare at your screen, unbelieving ? Omikron has
arguably one of the best computer cities I have ever seen in a
computer game, complete with traffic, people going about their
business, transport ships flying overhead, and in general all things
city that happen on a daily basis. As for the computer freeze, it?s
very likely that your framerate will hit rock bottom while you?re on
the outside scenes ? this is also the first game to completely
saturate my dual Voodoo 2 SLI setup (other than the last mission of
Freespace 2, that is). The graphics are so stunning, though, that it?s
worth it in the long run. And the framerate is perfect in the more
enclosed areas.
But I digress. You call up a slider and head towards your
apartment. A slider is the equivalent of a taxi in the Omikron
world: it is an unmanned, computer-powered vehicle that gets you
from one place to another at no cost to you. You can let the
computer take care of the driving, or you can take the wheel in
your hands ? a very, very cool concept in my view ? and the car
physics are actually not bad considering it?s sliding on air,
definitely better than those of Interstate ?82, anyway. Once you
return to your apartment, your wife meets you, and mentions a few
things that start piecing together the grand scheme of the game.
You can do various things around the apartment ? some better left
unmentioned, and will be left to you to figure out. There is a very
cool training room, in which you can hone your skills as a fighter ?
and it is strongly suggested that you check it out, as fighting skills
will come in handy more than once in the game ? perhaps even
more than shooting skills. After you have performed all the tasks at
home, you head out into the weird, wild and strangely wondrous
world of Omikron.
While I?m at it, I should mention, as a side note, that the entire
concept of Omikron seems to be taken straight from 1984, if
not verbatim, then to a great extent. There is the spiritual leader
that dictates the "right" way to follow to the entire nation, there is
the sect of The Awakened, who operate in defiance of the
established set of rules, there is the Thought Police, and in
general, everything is very tightly regulated. The world is very
futuristic; the date is in the late 7000?s, and while that doesn?t
necessarily equal Earth years (or "cycles" as the Omikronians call
them), it is a fairly advanced civilization: vehicles are powered by
anti-grav drives, there are spaceships flying over the city (which all
look surprisingly identical, just like the cars do ? but then again,
it?s a conformist society, differences are not encouraged, and
people get "corrected" for trying to act different). The common folk
also looks fairly similar, and of note is the incredible proportion of
? how should I put it, women of questionable professions in the
crowd ? unless that happens to be the generally acceptable attire
of the working women of that time period. In general, though, the
world seems to be a strange cross between a Blade Runner world
and a 1984 theme.
As you work your way through the world of Omikron, you?ll find
yourself in all sorts of amazingly-detailed environments, talking to
all sorts of fairly well-animated people. I can see attempts at
producing lip-synched speech, but they didn?t work out well
enough: I?ve yet to see lip-synching of the same quality as was
present in Fallout 2. Also strange is that characters sometimes read
out their entire lines, at other times they don?t read them at all,
and yet at other times they?ll stop about a sentence short, judging
by the captions. The motion captured animation sequences for the
characters are not half bad, either ? the fluidity is impressive, and
characters actually appear to have an agenda of their own. They
will often stop, look around for a bit, maybe sit down on a bench,
take a break, then get up and head off somewhere; you can talk to
some while they sit, but often they?ll look at you in a paranoid way
and take off pretty quick. As you bump into people on the streets
some get unhappy and actually complain, though it never gets
down to a fight, unfortunately.
As stated before, you will find yourself in many environments in
Omikron, some hostile, some friendly. You will also likely notice
that fights are very unbalanced: in my experience, if I were
defeated by an opponent fairly badly (i.e. taking 90% of the
damage that was effected in the fight), I could reload and
essentially reverse the situation. I fought a demon once which
blocked virtually every move of mine, then executed multiple
combos against me; all in all, I was dead almost instantly, with
him taking almost no damage. I loaded the last savegame, got into
that fight again, and defeated him: this time, taking practically
zero damage on my side. This happened a few times, more than I
would consider a coincidence. And while I?m on the topic of
reloading, I must mention a huge drawback of the game:
savepoints. Yes, that dreaded console term. But it gets better than
that: there are items you collect throughout your voyage through
the world of Omikron that are called "Magic Rings," which are
more or less scarce, depending on what you use them for, and it
costs one ring to save a game. In my view, there should have been
either the savepoints ?or- the cost-per-save, but not both. Granted,
save points make the game more enjoyable in a certain light,
since you don?t get to save after every bad guy you kill, but it also
alienates players who are used to generously saving their game
every thirty seconds for reasons unknown. Worthy of notice,
though, is the fact when you activate the savepoint, you can get
advice as to what to do next ? at the cost of a Magic Ring, of
Another neat thing about the game is that you generally don?t die
in it. Considering that even at the beginning you aren?t one with
the body you inhabit, it?s not too surprising that you aren?t bound
to it. Usually, if you happen to be defeated by a foe of some sort,
someone will be passing by next to you, and his hapless soul will
be replaced by yours, so you?ll be able to continue your quest. A
word of warning, though: try to not do that, reload if necessary,
since the bodies you come to inhabit are significantly crappier
than Kay?l?s.
The puzzle elements of Omikron aren?t too hard, but they aren?t
always entirely obvious, either. At the beginning, you may be
overwhelmed by the openness of how much you can do, but as
you progress through the game, the purpose becomes much
clearer and a linearity of the story emerges. For those occasions,
though, Eidos put up a solve online for the game, an
unprecedented move since generally famous-name publishers
publish books on it and you generally end up searching for clues
on AltaVista. The guide is at , the
official Omikron website.
The sound in the game is very well-done. The environment
surrounds the player, with city sounds, echoes, footsteps, and the
like. The soundtrack is fairly good, too ? with a few reservations.
First off, the soundtrack is performed by David Bowie, who actually
makes an appearance in the game as an NPC in one of the bars.
This has a twofold impact: if you like Bowie, your level of
enjoyment of the game will soar; if you hate him, this may be a
reason for you to turn down the music volume. In my personal
view, his music fits the game incredibly well, but as soon as he
starts singing, he destroys anything he built up with the music.
That?s my own opinion, though, and I cannot alter the score
because of that, though I think the readers should be aware of it.
I encountered a few rather strange glitches with Omikron. First off,
the intro video doesn?t play properly with me, and I?m fairly sure
all my drivers are up-to-date. As well, very often my joystick starts
interfering with the game, even though I?ve never told the game I
want to use the joystick as an option ? as soon as it?s off the axis
just a little bit, the game detects it and starts mixing up the
keyboard and joystick controls. In my view, there should be a
"Joystick On/Off" option, or something of sorts. As well, a feature
I?m not sure I liked too much is the lack of mouse control ? to
navigate the menus, the inventory list, or the dialogue choices you
are forced to use either the keyboard or the joystick.
Since I mentioned the inventory, I should probably touch up on
that. The way storing objects works in Omikron is by
materialization/dematerialization through a device called a
Sneak. The Sneak has a maximum capacity of 18 objects at any
given moment, and any excess objects will not be picked up,
however, you can use the MultiPlan terminals scattered throughout
the city, which will allow you to transfer your dematerialized
objects to a centralized storage system, and thus free up your
Sneak. While that sounds like a complicated way of doing it, I find
it to be somewhat more realistic than the traditional unlimited
inventory (and certainly more manageable, lacking mouse
control), and MultiPlan terminals are scattered so widely that
you?re running a fairly low chance of not having one close by
when you need it.
Another very interesting thing I should mention about Omikron is
the developers? intention throughout the game to make it feel like
you?re not in a computer game, but are rather in a complex virtual
world instead. Often, characters will grunt at you if you ask them
whether this is a video game and try to make you really think that
it?s not (I suppose, this is similar to The Blair Witch Project?s way of
making you think that their filming was real), but one of the
absolute coolest things about this way of presenting the game is
the absence of loading times. You will not see a level change
indicator and a progress bar showing you that X percent of the
level has been loaded, which is a great thing since you end up
returning to many areas more than once. Generally the way it?s
done is that a huge door is placed between two separate areas,
and as you approach it, it begins to open and at the same time
load data from the CD. It may have an effect on your framerate,
depending on the areas which you are entering/leaving and the
speed of your machine, but given a decent system configuration,
the impact should be minimal, and this is truly done very well.
Hats off to Quantic on this one.
So, in retrospect, is Omikron worth the dollar of the average poor
computer gamer? I think so. It has a few rather minor glitches, but
in general, this is a very solid game, with a very involving story
line, different modes of play (adventure/fight/shoot/swim, though
the latter is fairly redundant ? they should?ve incorporated the
swim controls into the adventure mode? probably the two modes
were written by different teams, or something), the most complex
city model I?ve seen in a game so far. The idea of a soul that can
travel to different bodies makes it even more enjoyable, since you
have to work on improving your fighting style with other
characters, too. If I had one complaint about the game, it would
probably be the savepoint + cost per save idea? but I suppose
that?s life. Fortunately, savepoints aren?t excessively rare, and you
do tend to collect a good number of Magic Rings, so you should
theoretically be fine. And kudos to Eidos for putting up a strategy
guide ? finally, a company thinking about the gamers rather than
the royalties from the printed guides.
