Addons: Music [17] & Video [21]
Reviewed On: P200MMX, 64mb RAM, #9 Motion 771 (2mb),
Monster 3d
Finally, a good game to really dig your teeth into. Sanitarium
is a very stylish, very cool and dark adventure game, where
you are trying to find your identity and figure out the mystery of
the world you are thrust into. This game is highly addicting
and the plot evolves very nicely.
Graphically, this game is quite impressive, combining stunning
pre-rendered backgrounds with well-animated and large
characters. All the environments are very atmospheric and
conducive to the gameplay. The framerate is decent, however
there is a slight "load" at certain areas of the environment
where the camera moves towards the center of the new area.
The video is very well done, they look like a movie, and help
the story line quite a bit. The whole look is very smooth, and
you will find it draws you into the game. Very well done.
The sound is also great, especially the speech. The voice
acting is unusually professional and well done, taking a feature
that is usually laughable in most games (Resident Evil etc) and
turning it into a valuable tool. The quality is comparable to
that of Monkey Island 3. The sound FX are nice, there aren't
very many, but the ones that are there are of high quality. The
music is also quite atmospheric, and nicely subdued. As with
the graphics, the entire sound package seems very polished,
and carefully planned to suit the atmosphere.
The plot of this game is quite interesting, and it is for that
reason you are motivated to keep on going, to see how things
progress. You wake up in a sanitarium, with absolutely no
recollection of who you are. The quest for identity is not a
unique one, but when combined with the other elements and
mysteries of the world, makes for a very interesting and
captivating game. The puzzles start out quite easily, and for
the most part knowing what to do is not too big a problem. For
instance, there is a collapsed bridge. When you click it, it says
"This bridge is collapsed. You need a stone of some sort to
place across it." This gives a very nice difficulty curve, with the
puzzles getting more difficult progressively. I doubt many
gamers will get frustrated with obscure clues and items to find,
which is a definite bonus. The game has a lot of atmosphere,
the whole game oozes mystery and a constant uneasiness.
One of the few problems I have is the slow pace that the main
guy walks at; it takes quite a while to walk from one end of an
area to another, and for impatient gamers like me, it seems
like an eternity. If there is a run command, I haven't found it
yet. As well, the way you use items isn't immediately obvious,
the item usage interface takes a _little_ time to get used to, but
once you figure out it's no problem. The game is long, and a
blast to play. Obviously there is little replay value, but that's a
problem with adventure games, not this game itself.
Overall this game is a welcome addition to any adventure
game fan's library; the slick graphics and sound, coupled with
an absorbing story line, makes for a great gaming experience.
Graphics: 18 / 20
Sound: 12 / 15
Gameplay: 22 / 25
Fun Factor: 23 / 25
Multiplayer Play: NA
Packaging: 5 / 5
Overall Impression: 9 / 10
Overall Rating: 89 / 100
**NOTE: You need the original 3 cds to hear the speech**