I don't think any license has changed so many hands as
MechWarrior has in recent years. The original MechWarrior was
made by Activision, as was the second game along with all its
derivatives and add-ons. The third MechWarrior title was made by
Microprose and this fourth instalment was done by Microsoft. The
first and third titles were quite enjoyable, even though I felt the
second one dropped the ball, but this fourth one? is a whole new
Without much ado, let's jump right into the impressions I got from
the game. The first and foremost thing that disgusted me was the
new mech slot assignment system. You cannot equip your mech as
you want anymore. In the interests of I don't know
(user-friendliness?), everything has a visual icon now, and only fits
into its "predetermined" place. So if something takes up two slots,
it looks like two little units stacked on top of one another, and you
cannot put it into a one-slot opening. Also, equipment is coloured
now: red means energy weapons, green - missile projectiles,
yellow - machine gun-type projectile weapons. They are
longer have a mech outfitted with a dozen machine guns, or a
couple of ER lasers, a few PPCs and an array of SLAS units. There
are "omni" mount points, but, like everything good in this life,
there are very few of them. In general, after using the interface for
a little bit, I have a strong feeling that it has been significantly
dumbed down.
Another problem I have with the game lies with the distribution
of salvaged equipment. Why do you get infinite ammunition?
The way I see it, if you are out in the middle of nowhere on a
battlefield, whatever you scavenge is yours. It doesn't make sense
to pick up a LRM20 unit and have an infinite supply of missiles for
it available for loading onto your mech. That completely
unbalances the game - if you happen to scavenge an Ultra AC/20
somewhere, just drop everything, put two of those, and load up a
crazy amount of ammo. It won't work for every mission, but it will
for others - and quite improperly so. You don't seem to lose
equipment, either: I played through a mission where most of my
mech got destroyed, but when I was back at the bay, all the
weapons were back - I lost nothing in that mission. Similarly, what
happened to salvage? You just grab everything from a battlefield.
Where is the limit? Where are the fine management options? Why
can you drag around a couple billion tons of useless junk just
because the designers thought it would be user-friendly to do it?
Speaking of weapons, some new weapons have been added. One
of the more interesting ones is the "Bombast Laser" which is a
laser that charges up and releases a charge when you want it
to. The more you charge, the more powerful the laser discharge.
The description of the item says that it charges and, when fully
charged, fires. That sounds logical - that actually requires you to
have a bit of control over it so that it doesn't fire at the wrong
moment. What's the "but"? Oh, but it doesn't work that way. The
way it works is like this: push Fire, walk around searching for
targets. Found target, push Fire to do damage. Repeat. Notice how
time is not mentioned in this: that's because it charges infinitely.
That is, it charges up to max and then just sits there spinning a
cute pink presence on whichever side of the mech you have it
installed. What, no auto-aiming? Come on!
While I'm on the whining train, here's another one. Mission
briefings. It seems like the times of Wing Commander are coming
back (i.e. when companies throw big money at making FMV
briefing sequences). The thing is, Wing Commander had some
very good acting talent. It also fit the theme VERY well. In
MechWarrior, I fear there is no real talent at play. Westwood is
smart: when they couldn't find any cheap acting talent, they got a
few pornstars, dressed them in tight leather, and solved the
problem. In MechWarrior, that didn't quite work out. The mission
briefings are postage stamp-sized "video transmissions", complete
with authentic flicker, interference and the occasional jamming.
The information that you get is incredibly useful, too. Example:
"Hey, we just picked up this great mech on salvage. I suggest you
use it! Don't forget to try this new laser we grabbed, too. To use it,
do ." Or you get lancemates telling you they
want to be on your team.
The story of MW4 is just funny. In the intro movie, the main
character's father dies. Not to insult the talent of whomever the
actor is, but I think I was more grief-striken than he appeared to
be. Remember Homer Simpson? "Don't say revenge... don't say
revenge... REVENGE!" Welp, that's about all there is to MW4's
story. Revenge. A dude killed your whole royal family (please,
nobody wants to play a grunt) while you were out training
somewhere to be somebody; so now you mourn for a few minutes,
and decide to go whip the bastard's ass. Fear me, Bob! (Or
whatever his name is). Conveniently, there are a couple of
sidekicks that appear, and you pick up more along the way. You
can actually choose from several lancemates for a given mission,
depending on their skills. The hilarious part is that until all
lancemate slots are unlocked, you will always have one or two
more lancemates than you can actually take on a mission. The
thing that will really bake your noodle later on is "Why is it that I
have an idle lancemate, a fully functional, idle mech, but I can't
have him accompany me? And where is my cookie, anyway?"
(Speaking of damage: mechs get automatically repaired when you
come back to the bay. I know it's been like that since MechWarrior
II. But I never said I liked it.)
Not everything about the game is bad, of course. It does have its
redeeming features. The graphics, for one, are very good. The
amount of detail on the mechs, the environment niceties like birds
(which you can't kill with a laser blast, unfortunately - it would be
funny to see them crash and burn) and trees (which do crash and
burn). The laser blasts are very, very nice and the smoke effects,
the visible damage on other mechs and such is very nice.
However, here's another point about damage: old-timers in
MechWarrior will, undoubtedly, *love* the new design element
that no longer disables a mech when you destroy its leg. You will
see the leg as black on the damage monitor, and yet the mech will
still go hopping around crippled, so you'll have to slice off its right
leg as well before it will truly and completely die. Basically what
this boils down to is that you load up on LRM20 with lots of ammo,
lock on the mech and just fire without really caring where it hits.
Torso is usually a good target, because once you're past the very
thick armour, you're SURE to kill the mech, unlike via the leg
method. Then again, hey, it doesn't really matter - you know how it
actually paid off to cleanly "nullify" mechs in previous
MechWarriors? You salvaged nice equipment from them, and (in
MW1) the mechs went on sale with minimal damage. Here, it
doesn't matter. You can kill them however you want, they're all
yours, and so is the equipment.
The mission structure is not bad. It's believable, in any case. You
have to go through a number of areas, each of which is split into
several (usually 3 or 4) missions. There is an actual variety of
things to do, which is neat: sometimes you must be stealthy,
sometimes you have to do S&D (search & destroy), sometimes
reckon, sometimes defensive. Anyway, it all boils down to killing
other mechs in virtually all the cases. It's especially fun when
you're outgunned and outnumbered, like in one of the early
missions where you get a couple of medium mechs and two
Arguses taking you on. Even if you're driving a Catapult, you're
still no match for two Arguses with support (even though you have
two lancemates). The lancemates actually do their job surprisingly
well, though, and I haven't got much to complain about on that
front (amazing, is it not?).
The control is fine, as well, with one huge mindbogglingly
humongous exception. I have a throttle control on my Sidewinder
Pro Force Feedback. It works well, I love it. But the game tries to
be smart. It figures I'm too stupid to know that I can shift into
reverse on a mech, so it just lets me use the upper 50% for forward
throttle and the lower 50% for reverse throttle. The first problem
with that is that in battle, you will frequently switch into the wrong
direction. The second problem is that shifting into reverse from
forward and vice versa takes a VERY BLOODY LONG TIME. For
several seconds, you are just standing in a wide open area looking
stupid and surrounded by enemies. In multiplayer, I cannot
possibly fathom how this could not be exploited left and right. It's
ridiculously useless, annoying and frustrating; I fail to see why we
can't just have the old-fashioned way, where you have to press a
button to switch into reverse. The force fedback effects are pretty
good, though. Another commendable addition is the torso
twist/pitch scale: it shows how off-center you are. Quite useful.
That having been said, I feel like the ball has been dropped quite
heavily with MechWarrior 4. The graphics have been prettied up,
but the rest of the game has been completely moronized and
user-friendlized to foot the bill of I-don't-know-who. The interface
(especially mech configuration) is abysmally bad; I'm surprised
there is still a per-mech tonnage limit (at the rate things are going
that'll go away in MW5); the mission briefings are junk (you
actually don't want to watch them after a while); the story is
useless; the actual mech combat is much more difficult because
you can't disable certain body elements to achieve a quick kill;
and so forth. The gameplay is significantly worsened because of
this, and this game lowers itself to the level of Heavy Gear and
such. It's not a bad big robot fighting game - I would definitely
recommend it for someone looking for a cool game with big robots
and lots of explosions happening. But this is a really bad
MechWarrior incarnation. I hope the license moves back to
Activision or Microprose next time. It'll probably suck less.
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