Game Over Online Magazine - The Game Has Just Begun

E3 Showcase Title - Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force

  • Powered by the QUAKE III Arena engine, Star Trek: Voyager Elite Force is the ultimate, sci-fi first-person shooter. As a crewman of the U.S.S. Voyager, and a member of the newly formed elite security force - The Hazard Team-- players will leap into action to defend the Voyager from assault, battle through derelict spacecraft, infiltrate a Borg cube and take on the ultimate colonization force - all the while facing annihilation at every turn. Throughout the game, players will face a multitude of Star Trek enemies, including the relentless Borg and never-before-seen aliens, in intense single-player and multiplayer combat missions. Star Trek: Voyager Elite Force is being developed for Activision by Raven Software and is expected to ship this summer.

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