include "/home/fkrueger/db_defines"; ?>
Game Over Online - EverQuest II Beta Giveaway
if ($noads == "") { include "ad.code.php"; } ?>

Congratulations to the following 50 lucky readers who can expect to receive an e-mail with all the details on
joining the EverQuest II beta:
Robert Alferez
Mark Andrews
Dan Armstrong
Lou Baranowski
Louis Becerra
Jeremy Blankenship
Eric Britten
Kristina Cooper
Rob Coote
Joel DeJesus
Alex Dittemore
William Donnell
Darla Downs
Matt Gelineau
Matt Goniea
Shawn Greenfield
Yanik Grignon
William Gunckel
Garth Hargreaves
Mike Harton
Alexander Huffman
Kent Ing
Chip Jones
Duo Kan
Mark Lamantini
Tony Lane
Kristopher Lifka
Bryan Maddock
Delwyn McCarty
Carlton McKoy
Deke Morton
Gabriel Oulette
Josh Patton
Shelia Pressley
Sean Preusse
Gary Riggs
Judee Sasaki
Jared Sharen
Mark Spencer
Charles Stuth
Daniel Sundin
Michael Tapper
Jeff Taylor
Mike Tibke
Joel Vallgard
Jake Varin
Patrick Wessels
Caleb Wiberg
Matt Wilkes
June Wong
We would like to thank everyone who entered the giveaway, the response was simply overwhelming and we wish we could have
given out more accounts. If you have any questions regarding the EverQuest II Beta Giveaway, send us an e-mail.

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